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Wednesday, February 27, 2013



Your own Geometry Dictionary.
A webquery for 10th grade
By Kaitlin Aswege


What do most students think of when they hear the word Geometry? Is it the proofs, playing with compasses and protractors in class? No, it’s the vocabulary, so many words that they need to memorize! What’s the difference between heptagon and hexagon? Acute, obtuse, isosceles, scalene, right and equilateral…all ways to categorize a triangle.

For our 10th grade project you will be creating your own Geometry Dictionary.  This will be a handy guide to look up terms and see explanations and pictures of what each term means.  The goal for this assignment is for the finished project to be a tool that can and will be used for the remainder of your geometry course as well as a reference whenever you may need it.


Your job is to research at least 20 geometry terms, and compile this information any way that you want. This can be done as a PowerPoint, a poster board, a brochure or a notebook, just use your imagination. This assignment is supposed to help you learn more about geometry, so don’t choose words like circle or square or line, you all know what these words are. Choose words that you don’t know, words that are challenging, like tessellation, heptagon or prism.  The specifications of this assignment include:

·         At least 20 different geometry terms- that you don’t know
·         Pictures and a definition/explanation for each term, written in your own words so that you can understand it (example: an octagon- an 8 sided polygon, interior angles of a regular polygon measuring 135degrees…include a picture)
·         How a term/terms are applicable in the real world (example: an octagon-recognized as the universal sign for STOP)
·         Proper grammar and spelling, even though this is a math project, proper grammar and spelling are important
·         Provide a bibliography using at least 3 different sources
·         Be creative- think outside the box, this is for you so do what you like.

The Process

Below are a few guided questions that will assist you in developing a comprehensive understanding of the assignment:

·         How will you go about obtaining and recording information?
·         Where will you obtain your information?
·         Are there certain terms that are more difficult for you to learn?
·         Are there certain terms that you want to focus on?
·         How are certain terms important in your daily life?
·         What are some applications of these terms?
·         How is this assignment important to you?
·         How will this assignment help you?
·         How will you analyze/organize the information you've found?
·         How will you present the information you've found?


Below you will find a list of print and internet resources that are available for your use:

·         Geometry- Prentice Hall textbook


20 points
15 point
10 points
5 points
Student has 20 different terms
Student only has 11-19 different terms
Student only has 6-10 different terms
Student has 5 or less terms
Pictures and Descriptions
Student has pictures and descriptions for all the different terms
Student has pictures and descriptions for most of the different terms
Student has pictures and descriptions for only half of the different terms
Student barely has any pictures of descriptions for the different terms
Structure, Organization and Creativity
Structure and organization are clear and extremely creative and well done presentation of information
Structure and organization are clear and a good creative presentation of information
Structure and organization is unclear but a good creative presentation of information
Structure and organization is unclear and no creative aspect to the presentation of information.
At least 3 different sources were used and were all cited correctly
Only 2 different sources were used but were all cited correctly
Only 2 different sources were used but were not cited correctly
Less than 2 sources were used and were not cited correctly.
Grammar and Spelling
There are no grammar or spelling errors
There are 1-3 grammar or spelling errors
There are 4-6 grammar or spelling errors
There are more than 7 grammar or spelling errors
 *A possible of 100 points for this assignment


Although the subject of geometry can be daunting, especially with all the vocabulary that has to be learned, it’s important for students to understand how important geometry is in our world. It’s applicable for so many different areas in our life. How will you use what you've learned from this assignment in your life?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Unit Circle

Who remembers how to completely fill in the Unit Circle?

If you remember, leave your answers in the comment area.

Reminder for Friday (Jan 25)

Students, just a reminder for this Friday (Jan 25)-

  • Algebra (Periods 1,2 & 4)-There is a quiz covering Unit 5, chapters 1&2

  • Geometry (Period 3)- There is a quiz on Euclid's Pythagorean Theorem

  • Pre-Calculus (Period 6)- Friday will be a day for questions! Come prepared!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to all my classes! I hope everyone had a great holiday break and are now ready to dive back into math! It will be a fun and challenging quarter for all my classes and I just want to remind you all that if you need help/have questions with a concept or with homework, I am free 30 minutes before school starts and an hour after school ends. Parents: feel free to call me/email me anytime if you have questions or concerns.

One change I will be implementing this quarter is that we will now have a "Math Problem of the Week"
These will be quite fun, but challenging, questions. You will turn in the question every Friday for homework points. So make sure that you check the blog every Monday for the new question!

The question for this week is:

What is the function of the graph?

Pre-Algebra/Algebra I & II Links

This is a really fun website that has many different games that students can play. These games will help students practice operation order, solving for variables and other Pre-Algebra concepts.
This website is a great resource that walks students through a mathematical concept, in-depth, and then the student is quizzed on the concept. It's a great tool to help students grasp a concept that they're struggling with.

This website has many free, printable worksheets for all math subjects that students can use as extra practice. This website is great for parents, because every worksheet tells what standard is being met.

I love this website because it can help Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II students, and all the information is in one condensed space. It can be used to refresh a student's memory if they've forgotten a concept or it can be an extra tool if a student is struggling with a new concept.

The Math Page
Story/Word problems are something that all students hate! This website is extremely helpful because it walks through many examples of different story/word problems. There is then many times for students to practice story/word problems.

Geometry links

I am a firm believer that online math games can be extremely helpful in the classroom. This website contains many interactive geometry games that are fun and educational. Students will be able to practice identifying types of polygons and angles, and these games will help to cement central geometry themes.

Learning Math
This website is very resourceful for students, it is able to piggyback off of the classroom textbook. It takes an in-depth look at specific geometry themes and includes vocabulary words and homework problems to help students cement the concept.

Glencoe Online
This may not be the exact textbook that the class uses, but math textbooks can be pretty similar. This website is a great tool to use especially around test time. This website has self check quizzes, hints are available and immediate feedback is given.

Pre-Calculus/Calculus Links

Wolfram Alpha
This is an excellent website, especially for higher math classes. It is a mathematical search engine and you can either ask for help on specific math questions or a general math topic.
This is a very resourceful tool for Calculus students, it has a huge variety of links all in one place. It has many examples with step-by-step solutions, interactive Calculus concepts, how math will be used in your life and many other resources.